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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Have You Ever Lied to Your Fiance to Get Alone Time?

Over this last weekend, we got into a fight and it was one of those fights where it's just abundantly clear that this person that you're about to spend the rest of your life with, is completely different than you. Long story short: I had decided to drive up Highway 1 since we weren't in any hurry to get back home and I haven't driven it in forever. I thought it'd be fun if we would explore all the little towns up the coast to Santa Cruz, grab a beer at Clint Eastwood's place in Carmel (Hog's Breath Inn), get saltwater taffy in Monterrey, eat lunch in Big Sur, and cruise on up to Santa Cruz. Doesn't this look nice? It's The Nepenthe Restaurant.
Anyhow, he started getting motion sickness so suffice to say, we didn't stop anywhere but, I would've wanted to if I was feeling motion sickness. Anyhow- he kept bitching about it which is understandable so I offered what I could- fresh air and to stop whenever he wanted so he can get out. It wasn't just was bitching the entire time we were away. I just wanted to enjoy our rare day away from home together and he was being a brat. By the time we got to Santa Cruz, I just wanted to sit at an outdoor cafe and eat and chill. We were at our all-time frustration level and I was about to cry which is what I do when I get frustrated and don't release it. Finally, I told him how I felt and we fought. He tried apologizing afterwards but, there's only so many times you can hear sorry about the same thing, you know?

I just remember thinking....God, I need some time to myself. I need more than an evening, more than a night away. I need a good couple of days of "me" time. I need to separate. I need to miss him. I need to remember why we're getting married.

F had been planning a trip to LA to visit family and friends and I saw my opportunity. He wanted me to go with him but, I told him that I couldn't afford to go since I'd be up in the redwoods the weekend before celebrating my brother's dirty 30. I have a lot of stuff that I need to get done in LA and I told him that I couldn't in good consciousness go down there without accomplishing any of it, that if I couldn't be productive than, I couldn't go. Now, these aren't necessarily fact they're all true. I don't have any interest in going to LA if I can't take care of the personal business that I need to because that would be a waste of a trip. I don't think it's even financially smart to go out of town two weekends in a row.

I guess I just feel guilty but, don't we all when we want something for ourselves? Am I alone in this? I think it's healthy to want time for ourselves when we're in a relationship. I think it's even necessary to be your own person and spend time by yourself from time to time. What do you guys think?

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