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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Unforgettable Winter Wedding

Wedding of winter: you have thought to us? Immaginatevi a whitened landscape as scene of your photos of wedding and a fireplace in knows it of the reception… To marry during the cold months involves a series of advantages, between which a magical atmosphere in which marrying and the facility in reserving the location for the banquet of wedding, the photographer, the place where to carry out the ceremony…

Here some idea in order to organize of the unforgettable winter wedding:

* Decorations for the wedding. Taken advantage of the christmas decorations in order to choose the reason centers them of your wedding or simply in order to adorn the spaces, to prepare bomboniere, making the tableau, the segnaposto… Various they are the possibilities: pigne, berries, stars and trees of Been born them (comprised lights), hawthorn, littles ball, ghirlande, pupazzi of snow, candles, fir, pine branches…
* Color of the wedding. In the choice of the color of the wedding, you can opt for the cold colors of the winter or for those classics of the Born them. On one side, therefore, you will space from the white man to silver till the clear blue, while, from the other, you can head at red and gold.
* Floreale decoration. The flowers for antonomasia of this season are the camelias and the bucaneve. It uses them you for the bouquet or in order to decorate the place of the wedding ceremony.
* Menu of wedding. Always holding in consideration the products of season, aiming at warm plates (risotti, zuppe, pastes elaborated and flavored with “important” gravies) insaccati and meat. Game, red meats with potato contour, polenta… Remembered, appreciated the regional typical plates are always a lot. Moreover, you have thought to make a surprise yours invited making to find they of the chocolate Fontanas? Large and piccini they will not only delight own palate, but they will amuse a world!
* Garment from spouse. You do not fear: you will not suffer the cold! To venirvi encounter which gloves will be accessories, cover shoulders, scarves, nails head and polsini in ecological fur, let alone of the warm boots… white men, obviously!
* Trick spouse. You remain online with the raggianti colors of this season and arrived to the altar with a make-up from the cold colors.

We pass to the last council now: if you decide to celebrate of the winter wedding, you hold in consideration the hours of light during the day. The days are much court, consequently the ideal is that the ceremony is carried out to the mattino and that the invited ones, successively, os directly to the restaurant.

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