I am starting to realize how close the wedding is now. It is 82 days away. That's not very long at all. Lately I've been going through a really impatient phase, but I think that I'm heading into a very content time which I'm excited about. But here's a peak into my reasons for being impatient (and a few reasons why I'm very happy to wait).
I am really excited to be married and to start Matt and my life together. I am really excited to get to spend a week in North Carolina with him on the beach. I am excited to get to have our own little home and make meals for him. I am excited to not have to say good-bye at night. I am excited to see how the Lord is going to use us together for His name. I am excited to be Mrs. Farley. I am excited to get to see him for more than 20 minutes every day. I am excited to invite people over to OUR house to hang out. I am excited to start actively working in our ministry as a unified couple. I am excited to get all my new kitchen stuff. I am excited to get to become even better friends with my already best friend. I am excited to not have to drop him off at his dorm room at night and then make a cold drive and trek back to my room. I am excited to be settled. I am excited to get to know all the itty-bitty details about each other...which I'm sure will drive us crazy but will still be fun to find out. I'm excited to gain a whole other family...officially. I am excited to be Matt Farley's wife!
I am not excited to pay bills. I am not excited to have to deal with insurance. I am not excited to have to live apart (most likely for 3 days/week for a semester). I am not excited to have to share my box of 'choice junk food' (may it be gushers, oreos, fruit roll ups, etc) and return to the cupboard with them half gone. I am not excited to make that original shopping trip to the grocery store to buy all the staples (flour, sugar, spices, ketchup, etc) and have the bill be WAY TOO MUCH! I am not excited for the laundry load to go up by 1.5 (seriously Matt has 1.5x more dirty clothes than I do).
Woo... let's do this thang!
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