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Friday, June 24, 2011

Changing it up... ALREADY.

Pier 1, although it seemed like it was going to be a great job, ended up not matching our financial needs. SOOO... off I went again looking for a different job. So before I even started at Pier 1, I quit. Today I will be starting at............

Yes... Chick-fil-a. This may not be the 'ideal' job for most people (a "fast food" restaurant) but I am very excited for it! Here are a few reasons:

1. My brother works for Chick-fil-a at the Atlanta headquarters.
2. They are a Christian company and desire to Glorify God in all they do.
3. They give away food like it's nobody's business. (Each month a group of youth pastors from the area come in and Chick-fil-a gives them free food and a place to meet just so they can socialize and grow together in Christ.)
4. My boss seems AMAZING!
5. People are SOOO friendly.
6. I loved working at McDonald's (as weird as that is) so I'm excited for this as well.
7. It is a humbling experience.
8. It's a great opportunity to get to know and bless my coworkers.
9. It's a way to impact the community.
10. They are not open on Sundays.
11. They have the BEST shakes and WONDERFUL chicken!

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