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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Less than 2 weeks!

It is officially less than two weeks until I leave for my giant trek across the world! When I first decided to go, I started thinking about how I would ever have enough room for a month and a half worth of clothes in my suitcases, plus room for souvenirs once I get there, but I guess God took care of that problem. Here is all that I am bringing...

-Shampoo and Conditioner
-Other body stuff like deodorant, foundation, moisturizer
-Chris's new camera
-Hiking shoes
-Yoga Pants
-Wind Pants
-Wind Jacket
-Long sleeve shirt
-Hat and Gloves
-Fleece Jacket
-1 pair of Jeans
-2-3 nice shirts
-2 Capris
-Gushers :)
-PB M&Ms :) (these last two are requests made by N&C)

AND THAT'S IT!!! Crazy huh?!?

I am SOO excited to go. I just can't wait. Please pray if you think of it for safety traveling, quick adaptation to the time change and altitude, for family back home who won't get much communication, and that our trip would be about sharing Jesus and His Name rather than about our own personal desires!

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