Married Couple with the Same Last Name:
Outer - The husband's full name (no nick-names), preceded by "Mr. and Mrs."
Inner- Don't use first names; in this case it would read "Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins."
Married Couple with Children under 18 living at home:
Outer - Children's names are left off of the outer envelope
Inner - "Mr. and Mrs. Hart" on the first line; children's first names on the line below.
Married Couple in which the woman has kept her maiden name:
Inner - Place "Ms. Martin" on the top line; "and Mr. Haines" is written below
Married Couple in which the Woman is a Doctor:
Inner - "Doctor Goldberg" is written on the first line; "and Mr. Rothman" appears below
Unmarried Couple living together:
Outer - The guests' names (ladies first) are written out on two lines, without "and".
Inner - Write "Miss Duff" on the first line, with Mr. Kuller" below.
Single Person with a Date:
Outer- Address this envelope only to the guest you know personally.
Inner - The words "and guest" are added after "Mr. Harris".
The Write Stuff!
- Never use the first names on the inner envelop, except for children's
- Spell out state names, plus words and terms such as "street," "road," and "apartment"
- Whenever a woman's name appears independently - no matter the reason- it always goes on the first line.
- Include titles such as "doctor" or "judge" only if guests use them both socially and professionally.
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